Proudly Serving North Central Missouri


How much is it going to Cost Me?

2023 Price Sheet for standard 300’ linear feet gravel ROADWAY x 30’ feet wide (approximate measurements)

PRODUCT's DOSAGE INTENSITY RATES based on the Gravel Roadways Absorption Rate (thirstiness) and Amount of Vehicle Traffic Volume (usage) as well: 

LIGHT DOSAGE = $400 per job-site

(Recommend Application starting typically AFTER a 3rd Application, as the Gravel Roadways Absorption Rate will most likely have hopefully dropped down some).

MEDIUM DOSAGE = $500 per job-site

(Recommended Standard for 2nd & 3rd Applications)

HEAVY DOSAGE = $600 per job-site.

(Highly Recommend for very 1st Initial Application ONLY) 

So we estimate, that a Budget of not over a $1,000 is rarely needed for your 1st year of just simply giving us a try with this unique & special product for your desired, and probably much wanted & needed efforts of DUST CONTROL. Also having Neighbors in close proximity typically fairs well for each other by "teaming-up" together to share the costs of applications within the same time period of each other.

Prices may vary (up or down) depending on the current economic marketplace conditions, and by each customer's specifications too. Larger Job-sites may be estimated separately by the increased volume (coverage area) needed, and specified by each Customer.

Thank you for your Time & Consideration, as we hopefully will earn your initial business with us. Our goal is to the "Earn" your trust in us, and in our product as well. Thus, hopefully leading to your continued patronage with us, and your recommendations to others interested in their own DUST CONTROL problems. Not too many people that I know can actually say that they "Enjoy Dust" 

Thank you,

Clint Bogard MIGHTY-MIX Company

What to Expect

1st Application

This will require more intensity due to the gravel roadways higher Absorption Rate (thirstiness). The 1st application lasts approximately 1-2 months depending on Dosage Intensity Chosen by the Customer, and by weather (rainfall) in that same time period as well.

2nd & Repeat Applications

These may be less. However obviously uncontrolled variations may occur. But however, these are pretty confident suggestions from knowledgeable experience of this particular product. 


This is why you'd want to buy MIGHTY-MIX

Reduce your Gravel Driveways DUST

Clear the Air with our

Dust Control Solutions

We are a leading dust control company dedicated to helping customers maintain a clean and safe environment. Our broad range of products helps capture, filter, and absorb airborne dust, providing an efficient and reliable solution for indoor and outdoor areas.

Our team of engineers and technicians has extensive experience and knowledge in dust control and air filtration, partnering with clients to recommend the right tailored solutions to achieve optimal performance.

We are proud to offer solutions that protect your health, reduce emissions and improve air quality. Trust us for all your dust control needs.



Dust control is a vital service in many regions of the United States that experience hot and dry climates. Dust storms can lead to significant health risks for humans, as well as environmental consequences. Measures such as dust suppression, dustless blasting, and dust mitigation can help minimize the impact of dust on people's health and the environment.

Dust suppression involves the application of water, foam, or chemical agents to the area where dust is generated to reduce the amount of dust that can escape and circulate in the air. Dustless blasting, which uses high-pressure air to remove dust and debris, can help to keep dust contained within the blasting area. Finally, dust mitigation is a process by which dust-prone areas are treated with soil stabilizers, hydroseeding, and plantings to reduce dust levels and prevent dust from blowing into surrounding areas.

Whichever method is required, customers and businesses can count on the expertise of Mighty Mix to restore a safe and habitable environment as quickly as possible. To learn more about our specific technique and rates, get in touch today and we will provide a free estimate.



There are a host of reasons why customers entrust Mighty Mix to handle their dust control, erosion control, and mulching needs. Here are just a few:

  • Honest & Reliable
  • Licensed and Insured
  • Free, No-Obligation Estimates
  • Pride in Every Job, Big or Small
  • Transparent and Affordable Rates

We encourage you to see the difference Might Mix makes for yourself by hiring us to take care of your tough jobs today. Give us a call and we will provide you with an estimate.



Got a question? We’re here to help.


mighty mix service coverage


Need assistance? Send us a message, and we’ll be in touch soon. 

Dust & Erosion Control

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